domenica 31 agosto 2008

buoni propositi

per il nuovo anno accademico...
  1. preparare le lezioni del giorno dopo o almeno studiare gli argomenti svolti 
  2. stare meno di 3 ore al computer per giorno
  3. leggere libri di carta invece che idiozie su internet
  4. decidere su che argomento fare la laurea
  5. andare a parlarne con la Olivato (?) o un'altro professore
  6. tingermi i capelli di viola e dargli una spuntata
  7. studiare arte moderna e archeologia
  8. passare a vodafone e contattare i miei amici
  9. studiare l'ho già segnato?
  10. impegnarsi impegnarsi impegnarsi
  11. cominciare a scrivere e imparare a farlo
  12. uscire con gli amici
  13. imparare a camminare coi tacchi
  14. comprarsi qualcosa di carino
  15. imparare a truccarsi
  16. studiare studiare studiare
  17. 70 crediti almeno
  18. vivere, possibilmente non sul net

mercoledì 27 agosto 2008


mi diverto con poco :P

martedì 19 agosto 2008

a volte mi faccio paura da sola

click sull'immagine. photoshop è una brutta bestia.

domenica 17 agosto 2008


You Are Paper

Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation.

People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of.

Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active.

You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want.

You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery.

A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces.

When you fight: No one can anticipate your next move

If someone makes you mad: You'll attack them mercilessly when they're unprepared

You Are Destined to Rule the World

You have the makings of a very evil dictator...

Which is both kind of cool and kind of scary!

Will you rule the world? Maybe. Maybe not.

But at least you know that you could.

Your Mind is Green

Of all the mind types, yours has the most balance.

You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.

You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You:

Intuitive --- Seeking --- Creative

Kind --- Self-Sacrificing --- Growth Oriented

Strong --- Very Wise --- Rare

Your Psyche is Blue

You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you.

By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go.

While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side.

When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you

When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding

You Need Some Red in Your Life

Red will make you feel energetic, passionate, and determined.

And with a little red, you will project an aura of warmth.

If you want to feel intensely, you've got to get some red in your life!

For extra punch: Combine red with orange or pink

The downside of red: Red can provoke anger or rage. Watch out!

The consequences of more red in your life:

You will feel more enthusiasm for life

You will have the confidence to go after what you want

You will have a lot more physical energy

Your Toes Should Be Black

A total rulebreaker (and heartbreaker), you're always a little punk rock.

Your flirting style: Wacky and a bit shocking

Your ideal guy: An accomplished artist, musician, or writer

Stay away from: Preppy guys looking for a quick bad girl fling

Your Power Color Is Teal

At Your Highest:

You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.

At Your Lowest:

You feel in a slump and lack creativity.

In Love:

You tend to be many people's ideal partner.

How You're Attractive:

You make people feel confident and accepted.

Your Eternal Question:

"What Impression Am I Giving?"

You Are 61% Feminine, 39% Masculine

You are in touch with your feminine side.

Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you.

And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.

You Are More Yin












You Should Be a Painter

You have the vision, patience, and skill to bring your unique visions to canvas.

And you're even tempered enough not to cut your ear off in the process!

Your Goth Name is:

Lilith Omega

Your Vampire Name Is...

Empress of the Great Oceans

Your PMS Disaster Level: Medium

You definitely are a bit of a wreck once a month.

But as long as remember to take it easy, your PMS isn't a major crisis.

Your Inner Child Is Sad

You're a very sensitive soul.

You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.

Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.

You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.

You Should Learn French

C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.

You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up...

Your Dosha is Pitta

You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.

You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.

Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.

But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

In love: You are picky but passionate

To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

Your Aura is Orange

You're a bit of a loner, but you're never lonely. You know how to entertain yourself.

Whether you're trying an extreme sport or a new weird food, you always live on the edge.

The purpose of your life: testing limits - both physical and mental... and then telling people about it.

Famous oranges include: Timothy Leary, David Blaine, Tony Hawk, Carey Hart

Careers for you to try: Snowboarder, Circus Performer, Undercover Agent

You Are 44% Emo

You're not emo, but you're plenty thoughtful, unique, and even a little angsty.

lunedì 4 agosto 2008

nomi 2

si sa che ogni tanto mi perdo con questi giochetti...

(se non hai un secondo nome scrivi quello che ti piacerebbe avere)
Irene Chiara Castellani
(colore preferito + animale preferito)
Purple Panther (Pantera Viola, che figata)
(prime 3 lettere del cognome e prime 2 del nome)
(secondo colore preferito + bevanda preferita)
Black Water (Acqua Nera, ancora più figo che quello da detective)
(seconda lettera del tuo primo nome, terza del cognome, prime 2 del secondo nome, ultime 2 del primo nome e ultime 3 del cognome)
Rschneani (fischia!)
(il secondo nome di entrambi i genitori)
Angelo / → Angelo Amaranto (la mia mamma non ha un secondo nome, supplisco io col mio preferito)
(black + il nome di uno dei tuoi animali domestici)
Black prince (yo stylish)